Get the lowest possible pre-settlement loan rate
When folks who are waiting on a lawsuit settlement need cash immediately, they have the option to apply for a pre-settlement cash advance (ie. a “loan” against their lawsuit settlement).
But with such little regulation and a proliferation of companies who’ve sprung up to offer these nontraditional loans, it can be difficult for plaintiffs to know how to effectively shop for the best rate.
That’s where Injury Wallet comes in.How Injury Wallet Works
The short answer: We match you with the lender who can offer the lowest rate on your lawsuit loan. Specifically...
You give us the lowdown on your lawsuit
Before we can find you the best rate, we need details about your lawsuit. Our patented lawsuit loan questionnaire takes just a few minutes to complete, and gives us everything we need to get to work finding you the best rate.
We shop your application to dozens of lenders
Once we fully understand your case, we take it to dozens of the top lawsuit lenders in the country to find who can fund your case at the lowest rate possible.
Within 24 hours, we send you lender with the best rate
Once we’ve matched you with a lender who can fund your lawsuit at the lowest possible rate, we send you their information so that you can decide whether to move forward.
Compare Settlement Funding Companies
Wondering about a specific lender? Browse our directory of lawsuit loan companies to find out which have a reputation you can trust.